Jeffrey Levine is Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of Tupelo Press, an award-winning independent literary press that he founded in 1999 with offices in Dorset, Vermont and Charlottesvile, VA. Tupelo Press annually publishes between 12-14 volumes of poetry, literary prose, and belles letters and is now located in the Eclipse Mill in North Adams, Massachusetts. A graduate of the Warren Wilson MFA Program for Writers, Levine is the author of two books of poetry, Rumor of Cortez (Red Hen Press, 2005), nominated for a 2006 L.A. Times Literary Award in Poetry, and Mortal, Everlasting, winner of the Transcontinental Poetry Prize from Pavement Saw Press (2002). He has won the Larry Levis Prize from The Missouri Review, North American Review's James Hearst Poetry Prize, the Mississippi Review Poetry Prize, the Kestrel Poetry Prize, and most recently, the 2007 American Literary Review Poetry Prize. His work has appeared in Ploughshares, Agni, Harvard Review, Antioch Review, Barrow Street, American Letters & Commentary, Virginia Quarterly Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Poetry International, Quarterly West, and many other literary journals and magazines.